• Mona Bakri posted in the group Animal Cruelty

    1 year, 8 months ago

    You remember blue the white boy with beautiful blue eyes the one ABUSED by human and his x ray showed . Unfortunately he got a multiple fracture on his pelvis- the left body of ilium, symphysis and on the right cranial ramus of pubis. He got a fracture of the left femoral head too. And the right femur moderately displaced. At the moment he is on pain meds and antibiotic as he got some superficial wounds on the hindlegs. Will start him on laxative to help him with defecation. On the lateral view of the xray, his colon is having a quite of fecal mass and some chicken bones in the stomach. Will monitor his toilets. The fractured left femur might need a femoral head osteotomy surgery. Unfortunately also he was having FPV but in intubation period after 2 days the symptoms started He is having bad diarrhea . He had bit of soft feces Yesterday but we stopped the lactulose since yesterday. He is having a fever also this afternoon. We have to check him for the FPV test. And unfortunately result was positive. So we have to move him in the isolation room. He ate a little this morning and not vomiting so far.
    I attached the initial bill without the extra charge for the FPV test and medications please help to cover blue bill in pets care

